An invisible bridge between Iranians and Israelis to be built by feminine-female leaders to achieve lasting peace. GreenBlueBridge intends to create two shadow governments, representing Iran and Israel, to collaborate with think tanks and academia in demonstrating the strategic benefits of cooperation between their respective nations. Once established, the two people will extend their know-how to bridge other societies to one other worldwide.

Green Blue Bridge

An invisible bridge between Iranians and Israelis to be built by feminine-female leaders to achieve lasting peace.

Cyrus Accord

The objective is to reconcile the two nations to discuss opportunities and challenges of the post-Cyrus Accord era and to cherish the similarities and the 2700 years of intertwined histories of the two nations.

Collaboration between Iran and Israel

Green Blue Bridge intends to build two shadow governments representing Iran and Israel to collaborate with think tanks and academia in producing consolidated research reports demonstrating the strategic benefits of unity between the Iranian and Israeli people in the realms of security, politics, science, economics, energy, and the environment.

Intercultural Unity

This coalition will include a round-table of diverse dialog and joint initiatives between Iranian and Israeli people. It will also coordinate special events to develop intercultural unity, exhibiting similarities between people through music, sports, and related social activities.


GreenBlueBridge will produce ongoing video coverage of collaborative research as an educational and inspirational documentary on the outcomes of coalition development, research and reports, special events, and related organizational activities.

Extending the Bridge

Once the cooperation is fully established, the two people will extend their know-how to bridge other societies to one another worldwide.
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